The Secrets Of Composing A Top-Grade Argumentative Essay Related To Social Media

A well-written argumentative essay will have the ability of changing people’s minds about a particular issue. In the case of writing on the subject of social media, your goal is to make the reader accept your argument by making valid points and providing great supporting evidence. The following are some secrets for writing a top-grade argumentative essay on any topic related to social media:

  • Get Oriented with Your Social Media Topic
  • If you have the opportunity to come with your own topic, write down a few things you feel really passionate about. Your topic needs to interesting and informative. Don’t choose something that has already been discussed extensively. Think outside the box or look for ways to write on a familiar topic from a different perspective. Read online content to get a sense for what is being discussed and narrow your focus until you’ve developed a great topic.

  • Organize Your Thoughts in an Outline
  • You should have been able to find a lot of content related to your chosen social media topic. Now it’s time to organize it all in a well-developing outline. Consider your audience and the most effective way to communicate the information. Think about how your audience will make the most sense of your discussion points and arrange the outline accordingly.

  • Start Writing the First Essay Draft Early
  • You should always assume your audience will have several different opinions on your topic. For this reason, you should always consider the opposite view and write as much as you can about it. Don’t worry about getting your arguments down perfectly. At this stage of writing it is much more important to get your ideas down exactly as they come up in your mind, without constantly have to stop. Try getting the first draft completed in a single sitting.

  • Ensure Your Essay Arguments Are Strong
  • Revision is an active process of rethinking or reimagining your arguments to ensure they are strong and logical. You should always ask yourself several questions when doing your revisions. First of all, have you generalized your arguments without providing sufficient supporting evidence? Second, are you using effective evidence such as quotations, data, paraphrasing, etc.? And finally, are you making great transitions between discussion points so that they fit logically?

  • Make Final Edits and Proofread Your Work
  • Editing and proofread are two of the most keys to great academic composition. You should commit a lot of time and effort in doing each. When you edit look for ways to make your sentences stronger by using more direct vocabulary. Your ideas should be concise and clear, so avoid overly-confusing or academic sounding language. Proofread your work to ensure you have fixed all mistakes to spelling, grammar, and punctuation.